Job Title: Assistant/Project Engineer (Geotechnical Engineer)
City: Orlando
State: FL
1. Summarize, evaluate, and present field and laboratory data using computer worksheet programs including gINT, Microsoft Excel and Sigma Plot.
2. Perform geotechnical engineering analyses, including geotechnical characterization and selection of soil engineering properties, applying geotechnical engineering techniques, procedures and criteria, using computer software including SEEP/W for steady state and transient analyses, SLOPE/W for static and seismic stability analyses, liquefaction analysis, conducting consolidation analyses of clays subject to ramp loading and deriving undrained shear strength profiles in accordance with SHANSEP design methodology.
3. Perform analysis and design for shallow and deep foundation systems including bearing capacity and pile capacity calculations, settlement estimations, and downdrag applicable to foundation design of structures.
4. Plan and coordinate geotechnical laboratory testing of soils, phosphogypsum, silica gravel, geosynthetics (including HDPE geonets, HDPE liner, and geotextiles), and water samples.
5. Plan and coordinate subsurface exploration programs, field tests, and construction quality assurance activities related to geotechnical engineering projects.
6. Plan and coordinate geophysical investigations, Standard Penetration (SPT) and Cone Penetration (CPT) tests to detect the presence of subsurface features which could be suggestive of potential paleo-karts phenomena, interpret the results of the geophysical surveys and subsurface exploration programs, and manage the remediation of potential features.
7. Research and review available information and present geotechnical, geological and hydrogeological material properties, including water balance calculations required for by-product disposal facilities, as needed for senior engineer review.
8. Develop predictive models and charts to estimate volume of slurry deposited in settling containment ponds.
9. Develop and implement technical specifications for geotechnical engineering projects, including by-product disposal sites.
10. Develop and review construction drawings for by-product disposal sites using AutoCAD Civil3D computer program, as needed for senior engineering review.
11. Monitor subsurface movements and deformations by interpreting and analyzing measurements from field instrumentation such as slope inclinometers and piezometers.
12. Analyze the results of in-situ permeability tests and review potentiometric data to develop monitor wells in various aquifer systems.
13. Perform weekly inspections at industrial waste disposal sites, oversee progress in construction, attend meetings, and draft the minutes.
14. Prepare geotechnical engineering reports summarizing field and laboratory data, engineering analyses, and construction quality assurance data applicable to geotechnical engineering projects including by-product disposal sites, as needed, for senior engineering review.
15. Assist senior engineers with project management and business development, including, preparing proposals, budget estimates and construction schedules.
16. Present technical results and reports verbally and in writing.
17. Perform all the foregoing for Geotechnical Engineering Projects.
Perform all of the foregoing for Geotechnical Engineering Projects.
EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Requires a Master's degree in Civil Engineering with a major/concentration in Geotechnical Engineering (defined as completion of 24 credits of coursework in Geotechnical Engineering topics and 3 months experience as a Graduate Research Assistant. The Master's degree and experience must include coursework and Graduate Research Assistant experience with an emphasis on:
a) Performing and evaluating seepage and slope stability analysis and their application to the geotechnical engineering problems; soil improvement; foundations; earth pressures, field exploration techniques; engineering geology; and advanced soil behavior.
b) Performing laboratory testing and interpreting data associated with index tests, Atterberg limit tests, consolidation tests (incremental stress consolidation and large strain slurry consolidation), shear strength tests (Isotropic and Anisotropic Consolidated Undrained testing, Direct Shear and Fully Softened Direct Shear Testing, Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial Testing, Vane Shear Testing), and residual shear strength tests using Ring Shear Apparatus.
c) Planning field exploration program consisting of collecting soft in-situ samples pitcher tube samples.
d) Performing geotechnical design of buildings foundations based on geologic history, soil and rock stratification, and engineering parameters (Atterberg limits, shear strength test results, compression and recompression indices).
e) Performing engineering analysis and design for varies components of phosphogypsum stack systems including preparation of construction design drawings, technical specifications and bid documents, overseeing laboratory conformance testing of geosynthetic, aggregate and pipe materials, managing QAQC activities.
f) Performing design of pile foundations and drilled shafts using Standard Penetration Test and Cone Penetration Test data.
g) Planning soil improvement plans for soils that are susceptible to excessive expansion or has excessively low strength.
h) Managing installation of Piezometers, pressure cells, load cells and linear variable displacement transducers calibrations as well as analyzing their data.
i) Performing specialized modeling and specialized laboratory testing to investigate temperature effects on lateral earth pressure.
j) Preparing progress reports and projects completion reports and certification.
Experience can be pre or post degree.
JOB TIME: Full Time
Additional Information
- Organization: 113 AAI
Apply on company website