General Information The Division of Human Development & Services/East Baton Rouge Parish Head Start Program is hiring temporary workers (Building Attendants, Teacher Aides, Family Advocates and Cooks). By applying your application will be added to an applicant pool for temporary employment in the position you choose. Please only submit (1) application. You will be contacted if considered for hire. The hiring department will provide pay information.
This is NOT a classified City of Baton Rouge Job. See page 2 for additional information about the Head Start program. Page 1 of 2 City of Baton Rouge Parish of East Baton Rouge Head Start Program Contact Information 4523 Plank Road Baton Rouge, LA 70805 (225) 358-4504 Substitute Teacher Aide Work involves assisting a teacher in conducting daily educational and recreational programs for preschool aged children. Assists in preparing the classroom for activities, serving Substitute lunches and snacks, and supervision Building Attendant special activities. Performs other Work involves cleaningand work as requested. maintenance tasks in and around assigned buildings. Performs other work as requested. Substitute Family Advocate Work involves linking children and families to service systems and coordinating the various system components in order to achieve a successful outcome. Serves as a liaison to various professionals and Substitute Cook Work involves preparing and agencies and advocate on behalf of the cooking a variety of foods from children and families. Performs other work as requested. menus provided. Work also involves responsibility for adherence to a prescribed schedule and the care and cleaning of kitchen equipment and facilities. Performs other work as requested. Page 2 of 2
Apply on company website