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Company: Alcoa
Location: Reyðarfjörður, Iceland
Career Level: Mid-Senior Level
Industries: Manufacturing, Engineering, Aerospace


Mótaðu veröldina þína

Sem starfsmaður Alcoa verður þú mikilvægur hluti af tilgangi fyrirtækisins: að nýta tækifærin til að ná árangri. Í okkar augum er sérhver starfsmaður Alcoa teymismaður, hugmyndaskapari og heimsmótandi.

As a leader within Alcoa, you can help us fulfill our purpose and realize our vision to reinvent the aluminum industry. Be part of the team that is helping shape a better workplace with a better work-life balance and the equal opportunities that help everyone thrive. You have the power to shape things to make them better.

About the role: Alcoa Fjarðaál is looking for an ambitious and driven manager for the position of HR Manager. Alcoa Fjarðaál is one of the largest industrial companies in the country with about 540 permanent employees in very diverse roles. The HR Manager leads a strong HR team that provides various services and works systematically on human resource development within the company. The manager is the liaison with the parent company on HR matters and sits on the executive board of Fjarðaál.

Key Responsibilities of the role include:

  • HR-related strategy and planning
  • Ensuring effective implementation of HR policies
  • Identifying needs for recruitment, training, and employee development
  • Creating workforce forecasts and salary plans
  • Developing the company's HR processes and systems
  • Working on collective agreements and communication with unions
  • Promoting a strong team spirit and positive culture
  • Communication and information sharing within and outside the company

What you can bring to the role: Education, Experience, and Skills:

  • University education relevant to the role, advanced education is a plus
  • Experience in managing HR matters
  • Experience working with standards and audits
  • Knowledge of the labor market and collective agreements
  • Ability to lead teams and support managers
  • Initiative, solution-oriented attitude, and willingness to improve
  • Ability to express oneself in speech and writing
  • Good command of Icelandic and English

What's on offer:

Alcoa Fjarðaál is a large and vibrant workplace that never sleeps. Together we create export value in a safe and responsible manner, around the clock, every day of the year. Alcoa Fjarðaál offers competitive salaries and shorter working hours than generally known, and the employee facilities are exemplary. Safety and health are always priorities at the workplace, and there are ample opportunities for training, education, and career development. Alcoa's values are integrity, excellence, care, and courage.

For more information about the position, contact Dorina Nagy-Sebesi at

In accordance with Alcoa Fjarðaál's equality policy and law no. 150/2020, individuals of all genders are encouraged to apply.

Residence in East Iceland is a requirement.

You can apply for the position at

The application deadline is up to and including Monday, December 30th

Um starfsstöðina

Álver Alcoa Fjarðaáls á Reyðarfirði er eitt nútímalegasta og tæknivæddasta álver í heimi, og það er til fyrirmyndar hvað varðar umhverfisvernd. Álver Fjarðaáls er það stærsta á Íslandi með framleiðslugetu allt að 360.000 tonn af áli á ári. Starfsmenn okkar vinna saman að því að skapa heilbrigða vinnustaðamenningu og fjölskylduvænt vinnuumhverfi með áherslu á náið samstarf við nærsamfélagið og hagsmunaaðila.

Við erum gildisdrifin, knúin framtíðarsýn og sameinuð af tilgangi okkar að að nýta tækifærin til að ná árangri. Skuldbindingar okkar varðandi þátttöku, fjölbreytni og jöfnuð fela í sér að bjóða upp á trausta vinnustaði þar sem öryggi og virðing eru í heiðri höfð og allir einstaklingar eru án aðgreiningar, lausir við mismunun, einelti og áreitni og að vinnustaðir okkar endurspegli fjölbreytileika samfélaganna sem við störfum í.

Þetta er staður þar sem þú hefur vald til að gera þitt besta, vera þú sjálf/ur sjálf og upplifa sanna tilfinningu fyrir því að tilheyra. Slástu í hópinn og mótaðu starfsferil þinn með okkur!

Vinnan þín. Veröldin þín. Mótaðu þau til betri vegar.

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