With close to 20 million companies in North America, competition is fierce when it comes to hiring top talent. One of the best ways talent acquisition leaders can attract new talent is by differentiating themselves from their competition through employer branding.
This probably isn’t the first time you’ve heard the phrase “employer brand;” companies of all sizes are discussing the value and importance behind developing a strategy. But what does “employer branding” actually mean, and how do you get started?
Talent acquisition professionals tuned into our “Employer Branding 101” webinar hosted by James Ellis, (@TheWarforTalent) host of The Talent Cast Podcast and a leader in recruitment marketing and employer branding. James defined what is, and is not, an employer brand, and covered how to begin developing a strategy that aligns with their company culture.
To help recap the webinar we’ve highlighted the top shared #talkhr tweets from the event.
Do Your Candidates Know Why They Should Work For You?
James kicked off the webinar by answering the sought-after question, “What is an employer brand?” He breaks down the concept into three elements: Perception, an emotion or sensation one has with your company; Individual, one’s particular perception of your company that can differ from person to person; Pattern, the perception one has formed through repeated interactions with your brand.
The best employer brands answer the question, “Why? Why should someone work for you?” After giving his definition, James polled the attendees, and it turns out the majority of attendees either did not know their WHY yet, or they did not know if candidates were actually aware of that WHY.
Knowing this, James dove into examples and methods on how to get your employer brand message across to your candidates.
Attract Your Ideal Hire
You may not be a candidate’s cup of tea, but you may be another candidate’s glass of wine! Honest brands=The right hires #talkHR
— Ashley Bush (@ashnicholebush) October 18, 2017
One of the most memorable tweets came from Ashley Bush (@ashnicholebush) which reminds us that the way we showcase your employer brand message might not appeal to everyone, and that’s OK. As James mentioned in the webinar, there are thousands of companies out there. You have to make sure to communicate how you’re different from other companies, and that difference will illustrate what type of candidates your company is looking to hire. Your message also has to be consistent across your career site, job ads and recruiter touch points which will ultimately help you attract your ideal candidate.
Free Way to Showcase Your Employer Brand
Your employees are your greatest #employerbrand ambassadors. They KNOW your brand and how to speak your candidates’ language! #talkhr pic.twitter.com/rITzla149b
— Mike Curley (@MikeCareerArc) October 18, 2017
Now, say you already have an employer branding message. How are you going to communicate that message without breaking the bank? Well, who better to tell your employer branding story than someone with first-hand experience? As Mike (@MikeCareerArc) tweets, your employees can be your greatest employer brand ambassadors. The story you’re trying to convey is the story they live every day. Happy employees can serve as the best authors of your brand story, giving candidates an authentic point of view from which to perceive your company as they embark on their candidate journey.
5 Ways Your Employees Can Become Employer Brand Ambassadors
Use Employee Ambassadors to highlight your #EmployerBrand #talkhr pic.twitter.com/Fc1u5itAEE
— Alexander Youdim (@TheYoudim) October 18, 2017
“So, how can your employees become employer brand ambassadors?” you ask? Alex Youdim (@TheYoudim) tweets James’ list of five steps on how to encourage employees to become a powerful group of brand advocates and ambassadors. According to James, launching a quick employee survey sprinkled with a few unexpected questions helps increase survey quality and participation (watch the webinar to learn his recommended survey questions).
From these surveys, your employees will reveal their favorite aspects of working for your company, and you will not only be armed with qualitative data of what makes your organization a unique and attractive place to work, but you will also be equipped with employee stories to create more employer branding assets. The important thing to remember is to allow your employees to freely speak their mind so you collect as much feedback as possible. You can then choose the best stories and perspectives that help convey your vision of the positive company culture, values, and work environment that will attract your ideal candidate.
Related: Webinar >> Recruiter Brand Matters! 3 Simple Steps to Empowering Recruiters to Be Your Brand Ambassadors
Who Should Handle Employer Brand: HR or Marketing?
Teach us TA peeps to speak marketing?!?! #talkhr pic.twitter.com/IliqjNA5CB
— Audra Knight 🤘 (@media2knight) October 18, 2017
Attendees were very engaged asking questions throughout the webinar. Another popular question among talent teams is the one Audra Knight (@media2knight) highlights in her tweet with the help of a very animated panda: “Who should handle employer branding: HR or Marketing?” James addressed the question, first diplomatically, stating that it depends, and there is no right or wrong person. But he does provide a clear opinion, saying that from his experience it’s easier for a talent acquisition person to learn how to think like a marketer than for a marketer to adapt to thinking like a talent person. Each team has different goals, but that doesn’t mean the two teams can’t work together to deliver the message.
In the era of social media, HR teams should also start thinking like marketers. In fact, here are 3 Reasons Why Recruiters Should Think More Like Marketers.
Webinar Poll: The Importance of Your Glassdoor Rating
With the average Glassdoor rating being 3.3, how does your rating shape up? James was not surprised to see that two-thirds of attendees admitted their score could use some improvement, and James himself confessed he would answer similarly. To know what and how to improve, James suggests to first learn what your rating is and to closely read the reviews candidates and employees are leaving. Then James ended the talk with a cliffhanger: Make sure to tune into Part 2 of our employer branding series, “Employer Branding 201: There Are Only 12 Ways to Communicate Your Employer Brand (Do You Know Them All?).” Reserve your spot here.
While you’re waiting for part 2 of our Employer Branding webinar series, learn about The True Cost of a Bad Employer Brand.