So, not in an ominous Game of Thrones type of way, but . . . The Great Rehire is coming.
Talent acquisition is experiencing its fair share of challenges right now. From the Great Resignation to industry-specific staffing issues, COVID-19 has thrown the traditional recruiting model into disarray.
But, experts predict, the Great Resignation has a sell-by date. When COVID-19 is over, the Great Resignation will end and the Great Rehire—a period of unprecedented recruiting—will begin.
So let’s dive into the Great Rehire. In particular, we’re gonna explore:
- Whether or not work will return to the status quo
- What lasting impact—if any—the Great Resignation will have on recruitment
- When and how to start preparing for the Great Rehire
Ready? Let’s go.
Will the Great Rehire revert everything back to the way it was?
It sounds magical. COVID will end, the Great Resignation will be over, and everything will just go back to the way it was. Only, that’s not what the Great Rehire means.
As we outlined here, the Great Resignation is the outcome of a shift in priorities among the workforce. As Bryan Adams put it in our October 20th EMBARC Talent Talks: “The Great Resignation is actually the Great Epiphany.” And that shift in priorities is going to have a lasting impact on the workforce. For example:
- Purpose and meaning are more important than ever to candidates, and they’re going to prioritize companies with values that reflect that.
- The traditional 9-5 might not be dead, but it’s definitely been dealt a blow. Flexible hours and options for remote or hybrid work are high on candidates’ minds. That’s unlikely to change anytime soon.
- It’s a candidates’ market now. With jobs going more remote, candidates are no longer stuck with the same choices they used to have. It doesn’t mean that companies with jobs considered less attractive should give up, but that some rethinking is going to be required.
Simply put: the Great Rehire isn’t going to be a mindless mob of candidates just running to take any job they’re offered. Whether or not candidates consider your jobs depends on whether or not you show them that you’re the company they’re looking for.
But fret not. We can help you build your talent acquisition strategies for the Great Rehire.
1: Harness the power of social media recruiting to get in front of the right candidates
If you’re unfamiliar with social media recruiting, we’re referring to the art and strategy of using social media to broadcast your jobs on social media, as well as using social media to grow your employer brand by sharing your culture, DEI initiatives, employee spotlights, and really anything that showcases your EVP (employee value proposition).
And that’s more important now than ever. Using social media, you can make posts like these that show your flexible work hours or benefits:
Or posts like these that showcase your openness to remote work:
And that’s just scraping the surface. There are so many ways to use social media to show the world why you’re a great place to work. For example, a compelling employee spotlight:
An honest look at your company culture:
Peeling back the curtain on your diversity and inclusivity initiatives:
Or just a great job post that highlights your strengths:
(Psst: Want to reap the benefits of social media recruiting without having to do it all manually? We’re here to help. Read more about how CareerArc can help you here, or check out a free demo of our award-winning social recruiting platform here.)
2: Assess your strengths and weaknesses
Here’s the thing. Social media recruiting is arguably the best way to broadcast your EVP to the world—to, in other words, show candidates why they should want to work for you. But what if you don’t offer the things candidates will be looking for during the Great Rehire?
For example, you may have done the research and found that your pay rates don’t reflect the industry standard. Or that you’re not offering the range of benefits employees want. Or perhaps you feel in-office work is the best option for your company, even when candidates are really seeking flexible work.
In this instance, do as the Serenity prayer: know what you can change and accept what you can’t. Make a list of all your “shortcomings” (or shortcomings compared to other companies), and divide them into two lists: things you’re unwilling to be flexible on, and things you simply can’t be flexible on—either because you can’t afford them or because they contradict your company’s values. This might take a few tries—there are usually gonna be a few things in the second list that really could be moved to the first.
When you’ve got your lists together, work through the first list and ask yourself honestly: what needs to change and what isn’t worth the risk? If your pay rates really are below the industry standard, that might be something you have to consider addressing. If you’re worried that flexible hours will result in decreased productivity (if you’re interested in some research on this topic, check out this paper), that’s something you’ll have to weigh the pros and cons on.
And for those things you really can’t change, instead of hiding from them, turn them into a badge of honor by showing how those difficulties can actually be a reason for the right candidate to work for you. (More on that here.)
3: Adopt new approaches
Talent acquisition isn’t just changing; it’s already changed. The old approach of relying solely on job boards just isn’t enough anymore.
If you want to attract candidates during the Great Rehire, you need new approaches. Like:
- Social media recruiting. Job boards are an excellent way of getting your open jobs in front of candidates looking for them. But when it comes to attracting passive candidates (candidates not actively looking for jobs), or effectively marketing your EVP overall, social media recruiting is far more effective. (Looking for some proof? Check out a case study here.)
- Take a vertical approach to candidate recruiting. Instead of adopting the same approaches for every industry and hoping for success, tailor your strategies according to different industries and types of jobs. Take the time to research where the candidates you’re looking for are hanging out (virtually, that is) and market to them there.
- Make sure every stage of your hiring process is virtual-friendly. Everything is online these days. So, in the words of Scar: be prepared. Make sure your website is mobile friendly. If you’re rusty on how to effectively interview remotely, brush up.
At the same time, don’t lose touch with your human side. Better technologies and approaches can only get your candidates in the door. Whether or not they have an enjoyable candidate experience is all you.
4: Embrace diversity
Diversity is only becoming more of a top priority for candidates. As you prepare strategies for the Great Rehire, take a look at your diversity and inclusion initiatives and see if there’s room for improvement.
Looking for some inspiration? Here are some topics to consider when examining your DEI in preparation for the Great Rehire:
- Diversity hiring: 6 steps to hiring more diverse candidates
- The ultimate guide to diversity hiring
- 5 ways to tackle diversity recruitment
- 4 proven tactics to identify and overcome unconscious bias in the workplace
- How to promote your DEI initiatives through social media to drive diverse candidate pools
- 3 ways to a more inclusive company culture that attracts & retains diverse talent
5: Start preparing now for the Great Rehire
The Great Rehire might not be here yet, but the factors that will influence it are. Candidates are paying attention now, taking note of which companies reflect their priorities and which don’t. And if you don’t want to be a second or third choice, you’re gonna want to start preparing now.
But here’s the good news. You don’t have to go it alone. CareerArc can help you turn your social media presence into a strategic source of hire, allowing you to build a pipeline of qualified talent in preparation for the Great Rehire.
And you don’t have to take our word for it. Try it out yourself. Simply click here to access your free demo today.