July’s a busy month: vacation travel, holiday BBQ’s, the FIFA Finals, and the list goes on. Let us catch you up on the must-read posts you might have missed:
15 Ultra Bold Recruiting Practices – ERE
The talent war is real. Want proof? Read this list of some of the most aggressive hiring practices recruiters are using today to poach talent from the competition.
12 Habits of the World’s Best Recruiters – Recruiter.com
Do you practice all 12 habits? If you are recruiting socially, then you already have one down. Read the other 11.
Why One Company Pays 25,000 to Quit – Talent Management
Would you pay a quitter $25k? This company does. Reverse psychology? Incentivized disloyalty? Find out the real reason why.
Jobs are not enough – The Economist
The U.S. unemployment rate diving to 6.1 percent—the lowest since 2006—should signal a bullish economy, right? Not so fast. Half way into 2014 and economists find the year is shaping up to be one of our worst yet.
10 Advantages of Hiring a Veteran – Business Insider
Learn 10 more reasons vets make promising hires. Then read our piece on how to hire vets through social media.