Social media channels have an impressive range of benefits as part of a complete talent acquisition and recruitment strategy. From the low-cost advertising options to the ability to build connections, online networks offer a unique opportunity to reach new talent. This opportunity is the reason that 92% of organizations include social networks in their hiring process in some way, including one of the most popular social networks, Facebook.
Yet along with opportunities, this online platform, in particular, comes with its own share of challenges, whether it is used as a marketing channel or more specifically as a talent acquisition tool. Continuous algorithm updates are one of the biggest concerns for nearly all content creators that use Facebook. Just last year, the platform announced major Newsfeed changes designed to encourage more meaningful interaction, leading many to reconsider their Facebook strategies.
With more than fifteen years in talent acquisition and a decade of recruiting experience, Mira Greenland understands these challenges in reference to the recruitment profession. In our webinar “2019 Facebook Recruiting Tips: How to Boost Your Reach,” she shared her experience and knowledge on creating effective Facebook recruiting content with talent acquisition and recruitment specialists.
In order to recap this CareerArc #talkHR webinar, we’ve highlighted three valuable Facebook recruiting tips you can use to increase your post performance and engage with talent on Facebook.
One of the most important Facebook recruiting tips for an effective recruitment strategy is to watch the amount of reach your posts receive. This metric is the number of unique individuals who have seen a particular post — and it affects every other measure of social engagement on the site, including likes, comments, and clicks. At the same time, greater post engagement means an increase in the reach of your future posts, meaning that small changes to Facebook posts can have a drastic impact on your Facebook recruiting and talent acquisition success.
Here are just three Facebook recruiting tips to boost your recruiting reach on this powerful channel.
1. Spark Conversation
One of the most important Facebook recruiting tips is to focus on conversations. In order to create a high level of reach, interactivity is essential. This means posting and sharing the type of content that encourages viewers—including job candidates—to comment and share. Mira Greenland recommends asking good questions and posting content that incites emotion. This type of Facebook content provides a ready outlet for your followers to share their opinions and expertise, as well as to share those posts with others.
Many companies avoid a targeted strategy of interactive posts out of fear of potential negative comments. Yet this fear should not prevent you from using Facebook to its full potential as a conversational tool. It’s entirely possible to create engaging posts that are relevant to your organization and talent viewing your posts, but are generic enough to discourage most negative and disparaging responses.
2. Share Engaging Videos
Although photos lead to far more interaction than regular text posts, video continues to be an even more engaging format on Facebook. Facebook marketing expert Mari Smith recommends a posting mix that is overwhelmingly visual, with 70% of posts being video content. This benchmark may be quite a stretch for many organizations, but it is obvious that videos should be a priority in your Facebook recruitment strategy.
In terms of engagement and reach, native video content—Facebook Live videos or videos uploaded directly to the platform—are going to be more valuable in reaching your desired audience. Facebook itself gives greater rank to content that exists on the site, increasing its reach to your followers and beyond. It’s also important to note that videos don’t need to be professional to be effective; organic content like tours, employee videos, and simple interview tips can engage future employees while exploring the personality of your employer brand.
3. Ask Your Peers What is Working
Colleagues in your organization’s industry as well as in the recruitment field can be an invaluable source of information on the best ways to engage an audience of potential candidates for open positions. Conferences for talent acquisition professionals and recruiters represent a worthwhile opportunity to both make new friends and learn from others on effective Facebook practices.
Outside of in-person events, social networks themselves, including Facebook, also present ways to build connections that can help you improve your social recruitment efforts. Look at your competition to see what they are doing—or even reach out to them to share information on your strategies and successes. You can also find groups on Facebook and LinkedIn in your industry as well as recruitment to share and gain further information on recruiting through these channels.
Facebook is just one channel that you can use to expand and improve your talent acquisition practice, but follow these Facebook recruiting tips to achieve growth. It’s a channel where small adjustments can have a powerful impact. If you’re ready to add Facebook to your talent acquisition plan or increase your social recruitment reach, we invite you to learn more about our social recruiting solutions. We help talent acquisition and recruitment professionals like you use social media to build awareness of your brand and reach ideal candidates to fill critical roles in your organization.
Where these Facebook recruiting tips helpful?