If there existed a 10 commandments of social recruiting, one of them would probably be, “Thou shalt not skip out on thought leadership posts.” Sharing thought leadership posts on social media is an important part of building and broadcasting your employer brand, as they show that you’re a thought leader in the space— something higher quality candidates in particular care about.
Simply put: thought leadership posts help attract higher quality candidates.
And here’s the thing: creating such posts are not as complicated to create as people think. Firstly, the ratio of thought leadership posts you need compared to other employer brand posts is not that high. And secondly, not all of them need to be something you created. Sometimes you can just share an intriguing post someone else posted.
Not sure where to find thought leadership content? An easy solution, says Bryant Chase, Social Media Director at CareerArc, is to follow thought leaders in the space. “Following thought leaders on social media is a great way to access new research and data,” says Bryant. “They provide unique perspectives you may not have considered, and often share bold statements about your industry that you, personally, wouldn’t be able to get away with, but can share with your followers to spark discussion. Even more thought leaders take to the comments section to chime in with smart anecdotes and valuable takeaways. Plus, they do it all for free!”
So that’s the rundown on thought leadership posts. And if it’s all feeling a little abstract right now, don’t worry. Let’s ground things a little bit with some examples of thought leadership on social media done right.
8 killer Examples of thought leadership posts done right
Here’s a great example of how a thought leadership post can help with your DEI. It’s also an example of how not all such posts need to be created by you. Sometimes all it takes is sharing a great quote.
This post is short, snappy, and to the point. It addresses a real problem and offers a tangible solution. This is a great example of how these posts work best when they’re clearly positioned as a benefit. (For more on how to position social media posts as a benefit, see our caption writing guide here.)
Another really easy to read, easy to understand post. You know exactly what you’re going to get before you click, which makes the post that much more effective.
Well-being in the workplace = engaged employees.
Engaged employees = better business.We chatted with Dr. Grin Lord about ways managers can play a role in promoting well-being at work. https://t.co/sQlHnOKzcH pic.twitter.com/8zX4s778DJ
— Qualtrics (@Qualtrics) July 26, 2021
Some thought leadership posts are memes. Some are quotes. And some promote downloads. Here’s a great example of just such a post:
Another great way to promote thought leadership content is by summing up the key points. Like in this post:
Another example of how these posts can help with DEI:
The LGBTQ community continues to face challenges to mental health stemming from bias, discrimination, and other factors. Having open conversations can help reduce the stigma, and this is especially important for LGBTQ people. Learn more: https://t.co/Ql9Oy1pcXy. #PrideMonth pic.twitter.com/UkA58L3ftd
— CVS Health (@CVSHealth) June 20, 2022
Here’s an awesome post that shares great content within the social media platform itself so your followers don’t have to click out to anywhere while also promoting conversation:
Bonus: Oh, and just to present an example of a really great post that we’re not at all biased about:
Effortlessly create thought leading posts with CareerArc’s magic posts
So by now, you’ve probably got the feeling that thought leadership posts are kinda important to your overall social recruiting strategy. But you might also be thinking, “Sure, they’re important—but who’s got time to make all this content?”
Answer: we do. Because with CareerArc’s magic posts feature, we literally create new social media posts for you, like magic. And not just any posts: both job posts and employer brand posts. And not just any job posts and employer brand posts: job posts and employer brand posts that are optimized for social media, follow social media and social media recruiting best practices, and use the hashtags and imaging you provide.
And magic posts are just one of the many ways we strategically automate your social media recruiting. From syncing with your ATS and content tools to post creation and publication, we strategically automate as much of your strategy as you’d like while offering you all the creative control you desire—saving you an average of over 900 hours a year in the process.
Want to see how it all works? Just click here to see a free demo.