Talent acquisition and recruiting professionals traveled to San Francisco, California for the highly anticipated Social Recruiting Strategies Conference that occurred on January 31st to February 2nd. SRSC welcomed talent leaders from across the nation to learn about the latest social recruiting trends, sourcing techniques, and employer branding best practices.
By 9am on Thursday morning, “#SRSC” was already trending on Twitter, so to help recap the conference, we’ve highlighted the top #SRSC tweets and sessions from the event.
The Future of Recruiting
Does it feel like everyone is trying to sell you #AI *emphatic yes in room* Here are use cases. It does not remove bias. Because people are biased. #srsc @JohnSumser pic.twitter.com/fRbcxqbVhE
— Abby Cheesman (@AbbyNeilson) February 1, 2018
John Sumser (@JohnSumser) kicked off the conference with his keynote session discussing future recruiting trends and technology. This has been a hot topic in the talent acquisition space as some believe artificial intelligence will be a big focus for both recruiting professionals and job seekers. John outlined some eleven key trends and predictions to make an impact in 2018 hiring which Abby Cheesman (@AbbyNeilson) captured in this tweet.
Related: Recruiting Trends 2018: 5 Posts to Read Before the New Year
Recruiting Generations XYZ
Common themes for Generations X, Y, and Z. #srsc pic.twitter.com/lM9PWDT7Vf
— Jen (Picard) Dewar (@JenKnowsHR) February 1, 2018
By 2025, millennials will make up 75% of the workforce. Are you ready to attract talent from generation X, Y, and Z? Armed with findings from multiple sources, including the recent Employer Branding Study, in which of over 1,100 people participated, CareerArc SVP, Gary Zukowski (@GaryZukowski) presented the key characteristics and motivations of each generation to help recruiters better attract candidates. Jen Dewar (@JenKnowsHR) shared a great image of this Venn diagram summarizing how generation X, Y, and Z differ but also align. The most common theme and motivation was “Genuineness and Transparency.” Below are a few similar motivations these generations share:
- Flexible work schedule
- A company’s transparency
- Competitive pay
- Professional development
Related: Download your copy of the CareerArc Employer Branding Study here
Employee Brand Advocates
Great to see our friends rocking it on stage & sharing how to evaluate platforms for using corporate or career channels to hire! 👏#SRSC pic.twitter.com/HT1YPGoxRE
— CareerArc (@CareerArc) February 2, 2018
Attendees joined Audra Knight (@media2Knight), James Ellis (@TheWarforTalent), Lindsay Parks (@lparks2387) and Steven Kosakow (@eselkay) for one of the most anticipated sessions of SRSC, and no topic was off limits. Right out the gate, they asked one of the most controversial questions in employer brand management and social recruitment today: Who owns LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook–the talent team or the marketing team? The discussion was lively and panelists at times found a neat consensus, but other times agreed to disagree. The healthy debate produced a wealth of tips and takeaways on how to improve social media engagement, track performance on multiple platforms, and prove ROI.
Related: Watch the webinar >> 3 Ways to Turn Your Happy Employees Into Powerful Brand Advocates on Social Media
That’s a Wrap SRSC, San Francisco
Apres #SRSC. Another memorable conference with stellar colleagues, many of whom did not make it into this pic. Love you all! pic.twitter.com/1aQBDyfiq8
— Jo Weech (@JoWeech) February 3, 2018
SRSC attendees closed out the event with a bang. Many enjoyed the delicious food San Francisco has to offer and connected with speakers and other leaders in the space. This tweet is a roll call of SRSC thought leaders and veterans, and includes friends we’ve mentioned earlier in this post, but also others you definitely want to follow now and check out: Craig Fisher (@Fishdogs), Lane Sutton (@LaneSutton), Katrina Collier (@KatrinaMCollier), and Jo Weech (@JoWeech).
This has been a memorable event and we all look forward to seeing you all again at the next Social Recruiting Strategies Conference which will be held in Austin, Texas on August 8-10 2018.
Can’t get enough social recruiting? Check out our library of webinars to take your strategy to the next level.